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Opinions about this situation. Those who could no longer hold back ...

Dear brothers and sisters. The articles that you can read in this section express the personal opinion of their authors. It is not likeable if the website of a request for prayer becomes a field for the charges. Therefore, it is hoped that the Holy Synod will take a wise decision on October 6th, and the situation will be resolved successfully - Bishop Christopher returns to his ministry for the people’ s benefit.

The least of all brings a need to answer to the silly accusations. Therefore, it is difficult to stop slanderers, because they have no ethics at all. Our Lord! Edify the destroyers of confidence in the Church, stop their hand to tempt clergy, parishioners and anyone who wants to believe. Have mercy, Lord! There is a happiness, that despite these efforts many people believe, that the Holy Spirit and the Church will not allow the outrage.


With a heart-warming plea to all: please read, listen to your heart, do not dive into evil and gossip in your thoughts and pray in a church for the restoration of unity in the Church and Honourable Metropolitan Christopher!

After the removal of honorable Metropolitan Christopher from the Church service, in Teshovsky monastery - his creation, which he equipped with modern amenities from his salary of the priest, a new holy father Dorofei was sent there – the very priest, whose wife brought accusation against Bishop Christopher, then withdrew it, but they have already caused the resignation of Metropolitan Christopher and from this day the Czech Orthodox church is continuing to suffer.


Have mercy, Lord, worthy representatives of your Church!

Open Letter from Sergei Komkov to His Beatitude Archbishop of Prague  Mikhail
Open letter from Sergei Komkov to representative of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Czech Republic, Archpriest Nikolai (Lischenyuk)
Rozhovor se Zdeňkem Opatřilem k článkům Vladimíra Wolfa a Vojtěcha Merunky, uveřejněným 1. 6. 2016 a 3.6.2016 v Parlamentních listech
Rozhovor s Prof.ThDr. Radimem Pulcem, PhD., Mitr. prot. Jánem Novákem a prof. S.K.Komkovem k článkům Vladimíra Wolfa a Vojtěcha Merunky, uveřejněným 1. 6. 2016 a 3.6.2016 v Parlamentních listech

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